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By: Dr. Arnan Sisson One of the scariest things that comes along with chronic back or sciatic pain is the unpredictability of it all. You may have periods in your life where theirs not much of any pain, but right before that beach vacation you’ve planned for the last 3 months…back pain. Not just any old back pain, but spasms that are intense enough to send you to the emergency room and cancel your dream vacation. This is all too common in my back pain specialty practice. Folks h...
Posted on 2024-03-15
BY: ARNAN SISSON February 19th, 2024   This article is the perfect read for anyone who has had a recent surgery or someone who has developed general weakness and balance issues over the years. Training to walk again without relying on a cane, walker, or wheelchair is comparable to reteaching ourselves how to climb stairs. This type of treatment must be done in progressive steps for the best possible outcome. Rushing through this type of program without a good progression or using a ser...
Posted on 2024-02-19
    BY DR. ARNAN SISSON FEB 9, 2024 I was out with the family last week, and we were having a great time eating at a Mexican restaurant nearby. When we wrapped up dinner and I was on my way out someway or another I got to talking to a gentleman who was having nagging back pain that had plagued him for months. Not just that but it was so bad to where he couldn’t do any of the activities he loved. For him, this was exercising. He was a true “gym rat” as he called...
Posted on 2024-02-09
“Q&A” I Have a Hernia… Can I Exercise? By: Arnan Sisson, PT February 2, 2024 Recently we received an email from a fellow in Warsaw who had a hernia which was causing him some pain. The client has been slightly fearful of doing any exercise since worried that any strenuous movement is going to cause him harm. Surgery was something that he desperately wanted to avoid! So his question was can I exercise with a hernia?   This is a comm...
Posted on 2024-02-02
BY DR. ARNAN SISSON January 189, 2024 Here in my Montross practice, there are two sorts of problems we largely specialize in. The first is spinal pain and the other is knee pain. Knee pain in particular can be a very scary sort of problem. A great example of that is a client I saw in the practice a few weeks ago. She was in town only for two days visiting a few family members, heard that we specialize in knee problems, and stopped by to get some help before she got home to Northern Virgin...
Posted on 2024-01-19
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