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Knee pain can stem from various sources, including injuries, overuse, or post-surgery recovery. For those of us who love to stay active, knee pain can be a significant barrier to enjoying our favourite activities, especially as summer approaches and the weather is finally starting to improve! The emotional impact of being sidelined due to knee pain after walking can be overwhelming, making it hard to partake in family activities, social events, or simply enjoying the outdoors. When the su...
Posted on 2024-07-08
By: Dr. Arnan Sisson, PT We see hundreds of people each year calling up the clinic complaining of these stubborn knees that will ache with walking, climbing over stairs, and even waking them up all night long. More often than not, we can do some soft tissue treatments and tailored exercises to free them up to where the problem goes away within 8 weeks or so. This even applies to most folks who come in with MRI findings of arthritis within the knee joint. This is actually a really co...
Posted on 2024-05-31
BY: ARNAN SISSON February 19th, 2024   This article is the perfect read for anyone who has had a recent surgery or someone who has developed general weakness and balance issues over the years. Training to walk again without relying on a cane, walker, or wheelchair is comparable to reteaching ourselves how to climb stairs. This type of treatment must be done in progressive steps for the best possible outcome. Rushing through this type of program without a good progression or using a ser...
Posted on 2024-02-19
BY DR. ARNAN SISSON January 189, 2024 Here in my Montross practice, there are two sorts of problems we largely specialize in. The first is spinal pain and the other is knee pain. Knee pain in particular can be a very scary sort of problem. A great example of that is a client I saw in the practice a few weeks ago. She was in town only for two days visiting a few family members, heard that we specialize in knee problems, and stopped by to get some help before she got home to Northern Virgin...
Posted on 2024-01-19
Tips for Getting Up and Down Stairs like a Pro By: Leading Northern Neck Back Pain Expert, Dr. Arnan Sisson 1/08/2024 Today we want to go over a quick lesson when going up and down the stairs. It's perfect for anyone who has had a total knee replacement, total hip replacement, or just one leg that feels weaker than the other. Usually, when someone first leaves a hospital they’ll be taught how to most efficiently go up and down the stairs to reduce future injury or fall risk. Tod...
Posted on 2024-01-08
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