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Learn How to Reduce Stiffness, Pain, And Discomfort On Long Drives… I was having a conversation with a patient of mine a few days ago. He came in with back pain that was so bad he had to take 8 steroid injections and was given two opinions to fuse his lower back at L2, L3, and L4. During this time, he dreaded long trips to Richmond or Fredericksburg. Long story short  though, this fellow now has little to no back pain left, going to his grandchildren’s soccer games, and i...
Posted on 2024-12-16
Dr. Arnan Sisson, PT Sciatica is something that many of our patients at Sisson & Associates suffer with, but how do you know when your sciatica/sciatic pain is improving? For lots of people, sciatic pain can be some of the worst pain they’ve ever felt. When sciatica is at its worst, relief can seem unlikely and nothing will seem to help… So the idea of your sciatic pain getting better is a huge relief for those that struggle with it. What Is Sciatica? Sciatica happens wh...
Posted on 2024-12-02
The “Best” Exercise to Strengthen Your Back By: Dr. Arnan Sisson There’s a lot of controversy out there about what exercise truly is the best at strengthening a healthy back. And we’re going to dive into that today, but before I move forward, I do want folks to know. That exercise is terrific at not only improving overall health but also keeping a healthy back healthy. But one frustrating fact that is true in the case of the back, is that...
Posted on 2024-05-06
Read on To Discover A Single Exercise to Enjoy Benches Again Without Talking to Your Doctor or Insurance Company   By: Leading Northern Neck Back Pain Expert, Dr. Arnan Sisson Folks in the community have heard me for many years spouting the importance of lumbar support. It’s a subject that I could talk about for hours (ex) how it addresses the single #1 cause of back pain in 99. Hold this for 10 seconds. Repeat these 10 times and between your exercises try...
Posted on 2024-04-29
By: Dr.Arnan Sisson, PT Crack! We’ve all tried at one point in time to get a friend, family member, or even a small child to step on our backs to try to get that popping sound and feeling of relief as our backs loosen up. Having a back pain clinic here in the Northern Neck we’ve been asked literally dozens of times if this should be done to fix a painful back or at the very least is it even safe to do. Many are worried they're missing out on easy relief or want to know if they'r...
Posted on 2024-04-26
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