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BY DR. ARNAN SISSON 22 MARCH 2019 When someone has an ache or pain the first thought that comes to mind in most cases is “wow this thing hurts like crazy, I need to “take it easy” for a few weeks.” And to an extent this is most definitely right; When you develop an ache or pain it would be smart to lower your activity and ice the area frequently for a day or two. But that’s it. In most cases “taking it easy” longer than this can actually make your pa...
Posted on 2019-03-22
BY DR. ARNAN SISSON 01 FEBRUARY 2019 Very often when a person has back pain two things happen. The first is sensitivity. The back is very sensitive to movement, and this leads to quick flare ups of pain. The second problem that arises from back issues is deconditioning. Because you’re not feeling great, you end up walking less and may even get rid of exercise as a whole for months. A great way to begin the process of rehabbing your back is to build up gentle movement. Walking is great...
Posted on 2019-02-01
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