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Dr. Arnan Sisson, PT  Many walkers HATE long strolls outdoors during the summer months, but usually, it’s not the heat.   Yes, the heat can play a role in us not going out as much during the middle of summer. But more often than not we can just shift when we walk. Getting a nice early morning or late afternoon walk is still tolerable here in Virginia during the height of summer.   The one thing that frustrates me and all my clients who love wal...
Posted on 2024-07-01
BY DR. ARNAN SISSON Believe it or not, the brain is not very smart! Sounds crazy, but in many ways this is true. It tries to find ways to do its work more easily. This is often done through a process called Biofeedback, and simply put this is just when the brain looks at the environment to determine how to act and feel. So, this can have huge effects on us feeling happy or even being pretty depressed. A recent study by the folks at UCLA has demonstrated that we can actually use Biofeedback t...
Posted on 2024-06-21
3 Quick & Easy Changes Made In The Car To Enjoy Long Road Trips & Short Drives to the Store Again By: Dr. Arnan Sisson, PT The National Institute of Health says that 30-50 of those individuals never experience complete relief. I don’t want any of my readers to fall into these crazy statistics. Do you, family members, or even friends have any of the problems below? Unable to tolerate any drive over 2-3 hours without pain levels shooting up beyond a 4/10 Your neck is so ...
Posted on 2024-05-20
The “Best” Exercise to Strengthen Your Back By: Dr. Arnan Sisson There’s a lot of controversy out there about what exercise truly is the best at strengthening a healthy back. And we’re going to dive into that today, but before I move forward, I do want folks to know. That exercise is terrific at not only improving overall health but also keeping a healthy back healthy. But one frustrating fact that is true in the case of the back, is that...
Posted on 2024-05-06
Read on To Discover A Single Exercise to Enjoy Benches Again Without Talking to Your Doctor or Insurance Company   By: Leading Northern Neck Back Pain Expert, Dr. Arnan Sisson Folks in the community have heard me for many years spouting the importance of lumbar support. It’s a subject that I could talk about for hours (ex) how it addresses the single #1 cause of back pain in 99. Hold this for 10 seconds. Repeat these 10 times and between your exercises try...
Posted on 2024-04-29
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